Journal of Teacher Education and Educators (JTEE) is a peer-reviewed international journal which is published three times a year (April, August, December) in English under the responsibility of the science board.
Aims and Scope
Journal of Teacher Education and Educators is fundamentally concerned with the improvement of teacher education, curriculum, policy, and in-service training. Besides these, the journal also accepts researches related to the problems of teacher educators and researchers in the field of educational sciences.
Journal of Teacher Education and Educators particularly welcomes articles that explore alternative, critical and re-conceptualized views of teacher education; articles written for academics and educators that present the relationship between theory and practice explicitly.
Open Access Policy
The access to the published articles in the JTEE is free and unlimited. All the articles published in the journal can be reached at or
JTEE does not charge any processing or publication fees to articles submitted. Moreover, no payments are made to an author or authors for articles accepted for publication.
Peer Review Process
Articles accepted by the editorial board into evaluation are subject to double blind peer review. In case of dissidence between two referees when evaluating an article, that article is sent to a third referee. If an article is sent to more than two referees, majority opinion is taken as a base. Referees are selected from among the scientific board or academicians from universities. For an article to be published in the journal, it is necessary that referees should state positive opinion.
In articles to be submitted to the journal, the following points are required to be considered:
1. Submitted articles should not have been published elsewhere before and should not be sent to more than one journal at the same time.
2. In studies presented verbally or in poster in any congress, symposium or scientific milieu, name, place and date of the activity should be specified.
3. In studies sponsored by an institution or a fund, name of the sponsor institution and project tag should be given.
4. Information should be given about articles produced from theses. Authors are responsible for mispresentations.
5. For an article to be taken into examination, it should be prepared in accordance with the author guidelines of the Journal of Teacher Education and Educators.
7. For the size of figures, graphs or the like drawings to be included in an article, you can benefit from the archive of the Journal of Teacher Education and Educators.
8. Author/s are responsible for contents of publications, defended opinions, correctness of resources, citations and copyrighted figures and visuals.
Plagiarism Policy
In cases of plagiarism, 5176 Numbered Law about the Establishment of Civil Service Ethics Committee and Making Modifications in Some Laws and the Regulations about Civil Service Ethical Behavior Principles and the Procedures and Principles Regarding Application and the Provisions of the Regulations about Associate Professorship are applied.
Plagiarism check for articles is made via using iThenticate.
Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
The ethics statement of the JTEE is based on the Code of Conduct guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at
JTEE follows the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.
Steps in the publishing process:
1 – Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts along with a separate title page as shown in author guidelines.
2 – Pre-review: The submissions are reviewed by the editorial board to understand whether they are (i) prepared according to the author guidelines, (ii) compatible with the JTEE’s scope, (iii) qualified enough for potential publishing decision.
3 – With editor: The submissions meeting the criteria defined in Step 2 are forwarded to one of the editorial board members. The editor reviews the manuscript for ethical concerns, possible research and publication misconducts, fake bell ross reduntant publication and plagiarism. The editor ensures that the submission is reviewed by at least two scholars who are field experts with Ph.D. or Ed.D and have studied on the subject of the submission.
4 – In review: The editor assigns at least two suitably qualified reviewers for external review of the manuscript. The editor may assign another reviewer for statistical review where appropriate. The reviewers review the manuscript to ensure the rigorous standards of the scientific process and ask for revisions where needed. The reviewers may also comment on ethical questions and possible research and publication misconduct raised by submissions and originality of submissions, and to alert to redundant publication and plagiarism.
5 – After review: After the reviewers have completed their reports on the manuscript, the editor sends them to the authors in their entirety. The editor decides to revise, reject or accept the manuscript based on reviewers’ comments.
6 – Revision: If the editor decides on minor/major revision based on reviewers’ comments, the authors need to revise their manuscript accordingly. The authors need to submit their revised version of the manuscript, and files including explanations for the reviewers, which are prepared for each reviewer separately.
7 – Decision: The editor checks the revised version of the manuscript whether the authors have completed the necessary revisions, then sends it along with the explanation files to reviewers to learn if they have any concerns about the revised manuscript. The editor decides to reject or accept the manuscript by considering the reviewers’ second reports. The editor may also ask the authors to revise the manuscript again.
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