JTEE  |   Journal of Teacher Education and Educators
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Journal of Teacher Educatıon and Educators

JTEE |  Publication Frequency: 3 issues per year  |  ISSN: 2147-0456   |    ee-ISSN: 2147-5407

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Journal of Teacher Education and Educators is an open access and peer-reviewed international journal which is published three times a year (April, August, December) in English under the responsibility of the editorial board. The journal is fundamentally concerned with the improvement of teacher education, curriculum, policy, and in-service training.

Journal of Teacher Education and Educators particularly welcomes articles that explore alternative, critical and re-conceptualized views of teacher.

Current Issue


Feyyat Gökçe

Antecedents of Student Teachers’ Time-On-Task in Campus Activities in Denmark and Norway

Eyvind Elstad, Knut-andreas Abben Christophersen and Are Turmo